Welcome to the place for parents looking for a straight forward, no-B.S approach to sleep.

We want sleep solutions and we want them now!

Set up a free 15-minute phone call to discuss your family's sleep issues and how sleep training can solve all your problems... in, like, a week! (yes, seriously)

And don’t worry, I’m not here to force you into sleep training. We’ll only move forward if it’s the right path for your family.

Scroll down to view FAQs.


  • Yes! Regressions are permanent changes in brain development. They don't pass. Regressions are the perfect time to sleep train. They are your child's way of telling you that the sleep tricks you were previously using are no longer working for them now that they are older and more aware. Regressions are the perfect time to teach your child independent sleep skills!

  • No. While solid sleep will help your child get over illness quicker, it's unlikely they'll feel up to the task of learning a brand new skill while sick. Wait until your child is better before beginning sleep training.

  • This is up to a parent’s discretion. Babies teethe consistently until more than 2 years old. Realistically, sleep expectations won’t change much simply due to teeth. Still, teeth can cause discomfort when erupting from the gums. This usually takes 2-3 days but is easily managed with pain medication. When to begin sleep training is truly up to a parent and if they feel comfortable.

  • No. The goal of sleep training is to teach a child independent self-soothing skills. They will be unable to learn this skill when still contact sleeping with a parent. While there are steps bedsharing families can take to improve sleep, I do not specialize in assisted sleep techniques.

  • Yes! There is no need to move your child to their own room just to sleep train. Sleep training can still happen even while still room sharing. For the first 2-3 days of training, parents are asked to sleep in a different room such as a spare room or the living room. After that, they move back into the bedroom without issue.

  • No! You can maintain an age-appropriate number of night feeds and still sleep train. If you are unsure if your baby is ready to drop night feeds, put a call in to your child’s pediatrician who can tell you based on your child’s age, weight and family history.

  • No! Since you can maintain an age-appropriate number of night feeds while still sleep training, it's entirely possible to teach independent sleep earlier than 4 months. When sleep training before 4 months, you would maintain age-appropriate expectations with feeds throughout the day and night, nap lengths, nap frequency and overall schedule. Make sure you check out my newborn course to get healthy sleep from birth 😉

  • Yes! Sleeping training is pretty standard through the toddler years. After 3 years old, sleep issues become more behavior-based and can still be resolved with sleep training!